Excel Conditional Formatting: Equal To Rule

Excel Conditional Formatting: Equal To Rule

The Equal To rule in Excel's Conditional Formatting helps you highlight cells that match a specific value. This is useful for identifying exact matches in your dataset. Follow the steps below to learn how to apply it effectively.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Select the range of cells you want to format. For example, choose B1:B10.

  2. Navigate to the Home tab on the Excel ribbon, and click on Conditional FormattingFind this feature in the toolbar under the 'Home' tab..

  3. Select Highlight Cells Rules from the dropdown menu and then click on Equal To.

  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter the value you want to match. For example, type 100.

  5. Choose a formatting style to apply to the matched cells, such as a fill color or font style.

  6. Click OK to apply the rule to your selected cells.

Understanding the Result

After applying the Equal To rule, Excel will highlight any cells that contain the specified value. In this example, since we looked for the value 100, the following cells would be highlighted:

Cell Value Status
B1 100 Highlighted
B2 150 Not Highlighted
B3 200 Not Highlighted
B4 100 Highlighted
B5 250 Not Highlighted
B6 100 Highlighted
B7 300 Not Highlighted
B8 150 Not Highlighted
B9 400 Not Highlighted
B10 100 Highlighted

Customizing the Rule

You can change the value you're looking for at any time. For example, if you decide to search for 150 instead, only the cells with that value will be highlighted. This allows for dynamic data analysis based on your specific needs.

Excel Conditional Formatting: Equal To Rule vivolens

Here's a quick breakdown of important terms:

  • Conditional FormattingA feature that allows you to format cells based on specific conditions or rules.
  • Equal To RuleHighlights cells whose values are exactly equal to the value you specify.
  • Formatting StyleThe visual style you choose for the highlighted cells, such as color or font changes.

With these steps, you can now effectively use the Equal To rule in Excel to pinpoint specific values in your datasets.


With a passion for digital marketing and web design, I thrive on creating SEO-optimized content that bridges technology and innovation. Through my blogs, I aim to empower readers with insights and practical strategies for navigating the digital world.

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